Pilot Report Details

Pilot Report - UAL1536 (1A) (February 24, 2025)

Virtual United Flight UAL1536 (1A)

Jonathan Poindexter United States
Departure: KIAH
Arrival: KLAS
Aircraft: 737-824 (B738)
Submitted: February 24, 2025
Flight Time: 2.52
Landing Rate: -450 FPM
Fuel Used: 17,482 LBS
Distance: 1,061 NM
Status: Accepted

ACARS Flight Log

2025-02-24T23:07:33.260Z - Using Microsoft Flight Simulator
2025-02-24T23:07:33.260Z - Flying PMDG 737-800 United Airlines (N37267 | 2019 | EvoBlu)
2025-02-24T23:07:33.261Z - Now boarding
2025-02-24T23:07:33.262Z - COM1: 124.000, COM2: 124.850, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 110.50, Transponder: 1234
2025-02-24T23:29:58.974Z - Transponder code set to 3501
2025-02-24T23:32:55.549Z - Pushing back with 24596 lbs of fuel
2025-02-24T23:33:33.998Z - Engine 2 On
2025-02-24T23:34:34.185Z - Engine 1 On
2025-02-24T23:37:32.593Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-24T23:37:41.330Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-24T23:37:49.116Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-02-24T23:37:53.237Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-24T23:38:56.039Z - Paused
2025-02-24T23:39:17.535Z - Unpaused
2025-02-24T23:40:24.681Z - Taxiing out
2025-02-24T23:46:44.645Z - Taking off
2025-02-24T23:47:06.796Z - Climbing at 158 kts, 10 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2025-02-24T23:47:10.896Z - Gear lever raised
2025-02-24T23:47:24.867Z - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up
2025-02-24T23:47:48.000Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2025-02-24T23:48:30.671Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-02-24T23:48:32.749Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-02-24T23:48:36.327Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-24T23:48:44.529Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-02-25T00:10:30.071Z - NAV1 active frequency set to 111.50
2025-02-25T00:10:34.735Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 111.50
2025-02-25T00:11:19.432Z - Cruising at 36000 ft
2025-02-25T02:10:42.871Z - Descending with 128 nm to go
2025-02-25T02:29:33.588Z - Approach started at 10481 ft AGL with 29 nm to go
2025-02-25T02:31:00.761Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-25T02:31:02.800Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-02-25T02:31:06.401Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-25T02:31:07.420Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-02-25T02:31:08.435Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-25T02:31:09.950Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-25T02:31:11.493Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-25T02:31:16.629Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-02-25T02:31:19.175Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-25T02:31:20.703Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-25T02:33:22.735Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-02-25T02:33:27.845Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-02-25T02:33:31.436Z - Flaps set to 62%
2025-02-25T02:33:31.949Z - Gear lever lowered
2025-02-25T02:33:34.023Z - Flaps set to 75%
2025-02-25T02:33:37.627Z - Flaps set to 87%
2025-02-25T02:37:36.938Z - On final at 2917 ft with 4 nm to go at 152 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2025-02-25T02:39:18.583Z - Touched down at -450 fpm, 1.2g, 151 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2025-02-25T02:39:18.584Z - Landed on time with a fuel burn on target
2025-02-25T02:39:59.612Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 5423 ft
2025-02-25T02:40:31.371Z - Flaps set to 75%
2025-02-25T02:40:35.429Z - Flaps set to 62%
2025-02-25T02:40:37.510Z - Flaps set to 50%
2025-02-25T02:40:41.044Z - Flaps set to 38%
2025-02-25T02:40:45.145Z - Flaps set to 25%
2025-02-25T02:40:49.245Z - Flaps set to 13%
2025-02-25T02:40:57.006Z - Flaps set to 0%
2025-02-25T02:49:59.819Z - Engine 1 Off
2025-02-25T02:50:00.317Z - Engine 2 Off


  • Virtual United Airlines writes: “PIREP Approved.”