Pilot Report Details

Pilot Report - UAL1629 (September 21, 2024)

Virtual United Flight UAL1629

Felipe Nunez P1 United States
Departure: KEWR
Arrival: TNCM
Aircraft: 737-700 (B737)
Submitted: September 21, 2024
Flight Time: 3.32
Landing Rate: -220 FPM
Fuel Used: 22,403 LBS
Distance: 1,477 NM
Status: Accepted

ACARS Flight Log

2024-09-21T17:05:56.445Z - Using Prepar3D (x64)
2024-09-21T17:05:56.445Z - Flying PMDG 737-800NGXu SSW United Airlines (N37267 | 2019 | EvoBlu)
2024-09-21T17:05:56.446Z - Now boarding
2024-09-21T17:05:56.447Z - COM1: 128.300, COM2: 127.800, NAV1: 113.70, NAV2: 110.60, Transponder: 1747
2024-09-21T17:36:54.923Z - COM1 active frequency set to 128.550
2024-09-21T17:37:24.622Z - Pushing back with 28652 lbs of fuel
2024-09-21T17:38:00.247Z - Engine 2 On
2024-09-21T17:39:32.996Z - Engine 1 On
2024-09-21T17:41:01.062Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T17:41:02.603Z - Flaps set to 38%
2024-09-21T17:41:04.658Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-09-21T17:41:07.219Z - Flaps set to 38%
2024-09-21T17:41:15.983Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T17:41:20.158Z - Flaps set to 38%
2024-09-21T17:42:04.560Z - Taxiing out
2024-09-21T17:47:39.778Z - Taking off
2024-09-21T17:48:05.008Z - Climbing at 164 kts, 10 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-09-21T17:48:07.611Z - Gear lever raised
2024-09-21T17:49:23.431Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T17:49:25.434Z - Flaps set to 13%
2024-09-21T17:49:26.480Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T17:49:30.996Z - Flaps set to 13%
2024-09-21T17:50:24.800Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-09-21T17:50:31.565Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-09-21T17:51:20.755Z - Reached 256 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-09-21T17:52:35.705Z - COM1 active frequency set to 125.320
2024-09-21T17:53:03.686Z - Descending with 1473 nm to go
2024-09-21T17:53:19.031Z - Climbing at 251 kts, 6 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2024-09-21T17:53:19.546Z - Reached 258 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-09-21T18:04:26.558Z - Cruising at 23000 ft
2024-09-21T18:05:13.442Z - Climbing at 320 kts, 4 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2024-09-21T18:17:24.337Z - Cruising at 35000 ft
2024-09-21T18:20:38.289Z - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800
2024-09-21T20:35:13.531Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.150
2024-09-21T20:59:00.197Z - Descending with 112 nm to go
2024-09-21T21:13:41.807Z - Approach started at 7972 ft AGL with 23 nm to go
2024-09-21T21:16:57.413Z - Gear lever lowered
2024-09-21T21:16:59.952Z - Flaps set to 13%
2024-09-21T21:17:03.104Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-09-21T21:17:08.241Z - Flaps set to 13%
2024-09-21T21:17:15.913Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T21:17:19.483Z - Flaps set to 38%
2024-09-21T21:17:23.573Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-09-21T21:17:31.860Z - Flaps set to 62%
2024-09-21T21:17:53.297Z - Flaps set to 75%
2024-09-21T21:17:55.843Z - Flaps set to 75%
2024-09-21T21:18:24.684Z - On final at 974 ft with 6 nm to go at 165 kts, -1 degrees pitch, 3 degrees bank
2024-09-21T21:18:40.216Z - Flaps set to 100%
2024-09-21T21:18:43.315Z - Flaps set to 87%
2024-09-21T21:18:58.251Z - Flaps set to 100%
2024-09-21T21:20:30.723Z - Touched down at -220 fpm, 1.0g, 148 kts, -1 degrees pitch, -2 degrees bank
2024-09-21T21:21:02.517Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-09-21T21:21:09.090Z - Flaps set to 87%
2024-09-21T21:21:13.251Z - Flaps set to 75%
2024-09-21T21:21:16.828Z - Flaps set to 62%
2024-09-21T21:21:18.843Z - Flaps set to 50%
2024-09-21T21:21:22.407Z - Flaps set to 38%
2024-09-21T21:21:25.996Z - Flaps set to 25%
2024-09-21T21:21:29.617Z - Flaps set to 13%
2024-09-21T21:21:30.102Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 6283 ft
2024-09-21T21:21:37.359Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-09-21T21:25:10.984Z - Engine 2 Off
2024-09-21T21:25:11.480Z - Engine 1 Off


  • Virtual United Airlines writes: “PIREP Approved.”