Pilot Report Details

Pilot Report - UAL792 (1B) (March 14, 2024)

Virtual United Flight UAL792 (1B)

Duane Palmore United States
Departure: KSFO
Arrival: KIAH
Aircraft: A320-232 (A320)
Submitted: March 14, 2024
Flight Time: 3.29
Landing Rate: -246 FPM
Fuel Used: 16,741 LBS
Distance: 1,420 NM
Status: Accepted

ACARS Flight Log

2024-03-13T22:54:29.435Z - Using Prepar3D (x64)
2024-03-13T22:54:29.435Z - Flying Airbus A320 United Airlines (circa 2019) N449UA
2024-03-13T22:54:29.435Z - Engine 1 On
2024-03-13T22:54:29.435Z - Engine 2 On
2024-03-13T22:54:29.436Z - Now boarding
2024-03-13T22:54:29.437Z - COM1: 128.300, COM2: 127.800, NAV1: 113.70, NAV2: 110.60, Transponder: 1200
2024-03-13T22:54:33.043Z - Engine 1 Off
2024-03-13T22:54:33.043Z - Engine 2 Off
2024-03-13T22:54:35.089Z - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800
2024-03-13T22:55:13.381Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 115.80
2024-03-13T22:56:54.240Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.850
2024-03-13T22:57:33.144Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.200
2024-03-13T23:23:44.526Z - Transponder code set to 2462
2024-03-13T23:23:52.869Z - COM1 active frequency set to 121.800
2024-03-13T23:27:24.748Z - NAV1 active frequency set to 109.55
2024-03-13T23:32:28.309Z - Pushing back with 27654 lbs of fuel
2024-03-13T23:32:57.951Z - Engine 1 On
2024-03-13T23:34:00.234Z - Engine 2 On
2024-03-13T23:34:33.778Z - Flaps set to 40%
2024-03-13T23:36:17.000Z - Taxiing out
2024-03-13T23:41:46.312Z - COM1 active frequency set to 128.650
2024-03-13T23:42:59.563Z - Taking off
2024-03-13T23:43:34.790Z - Climbing at 160 kts, 8 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2024-03-13T23:43:37.451Z - Gear lever raised
2024-03-13T23:44:12.485Z - COM1 active frequency set to 134.500
2024-03-13T23:44:44.656Z - Flaps set to 20%
2024-03-13T23:44:45.659Z - Flaps set to 0%
2024-03-13T23:45:57.514Z - COM1 active frequency set to 135.100
2024-03-13T23:46:26.649Z - Reached 259 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-13T23:47:34.232Z - COM1 active frequency set to 119.470
2024-03-14T00:02:16.262Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 112.60
2024-03-14T00:09:30.116Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 117.10
2024-03-14T00:10:53.412Z - Cruising at 37000 ft
2024-03-14T00:25:39.852Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 115.55
2024-03-14T00:48:33.881Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 117.40
2024-03-14T00:53:22.986Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 110.60
2024-03-14T01:01:01.653Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.60
2024-03-14T01:18:17.070Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 115.20
2024-03-14T01:39:57.540Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.50
2024-03-14T02:11:14.036Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 115.10
2024-03-14T02:27:16.458Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 108.20
2024-03-14T02:33:18.069Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 111.80
2024-03-14T02:34:02.496Z - Paused
2024-03-14T03:35:11.207Z - Unpaused
2024-03-14T03:35:14.936Z - COM1 active frequency set to 125.650
2024-03-14T03:40:13.211Z - Paused
2024-03-14T03:40:15.797Z - Unpaused
2024-03-14T03:40:49.006Z - COM1 active frequency set to 120.400
2024-03-14T03:42:26.317Z - Descending with 102 nm to go
2024-03-14T03:43:03.045Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 113.30
2024-03-14T03:46:38.440Z - Paused
2024-03-14T03:54:40.565Z - Unpaused
2024-03-14T03:55:27.764Z - NAV1 active frequency set to 111.55
2024-03-14T04:06:08.023Z - Climbing at 249 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-03-14T04:08:14.525Z - Descending with 35 nm to go
2024-03-14T04:08:54.314Z - Reached 257 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:08:55.822Z - COM1 active frequency set to 119.700
2024-03-14T04:09:00.589Z - Reached 255 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:09:23.040Z - Reached 256 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:09:38.714Z - Reached 255 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:09:40.825Z - Approach started at 8237 ft AGL with 30 nm to go
2024-03-14T04:09:49.194Z - Reached 255 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:11:00.166Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 115.90
2024-03-14T04:11:33.510Z - Reached 256 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:11:45.940Z - Reached 255 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:11:48.566Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 116.60
2024-03-14T04:12:18.261Z - Reached 255 kts below 10,000 feet
2024-03-14T04:13:23.113Z - Gear lever lowered
2024-03-14T04:13:35.120Z - Flaps set to 20%
2024-03-14T04:13:59.506Z - Flaps set to 40%
2024-03-14T04:14:00.499Z - Flaps set to 60%
2024-03-14T04:14:19.239Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.170
2024-03-14T04:14:22.859Z - Flaps set to 80%
2024-03-14T04:14:25.527Z - Flaps set to 100%
2024-03-14T04:17:49.353Z - On final at 1075 ft with 4 nm to go at 134 kts, 2 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-03-14T04:19:14.300Z - Touched down at -246 fpm, 1.1g, 130 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-03-14T04:20:01.657Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 4580 ft
2024-03-14T04:20:17.290Z - Flaps set to 80%
2024-03-14T04:20:24.546Z - COM1 active frequency set to 118.570
2024-03-14T04:33:32.650Z - Engine 1 Off
2024-03-14T04:33:32.650Z - Engine 2 Off


  • Virtual United Airlines writes: “PIREP Approved.”