Pilot Report Details

Pilot Report - UALUAL142B (February 2, 2018)

Virtual United Flight UALUAL142B

Adam Mazur United States
Departure: YMML
Arrival: YSSY
Aircraft: 737-700 (B737)
Submitted: February 2, 2018
Flight Time: 1.08
Landing Rate: 0 FPM
Fuel Used: 6,900 LBS
Distance: 381 NM
Status: Accepted

ACARS Flight Log


  • Adam Mazur writes: “accidently closed acars before filing. flew online https://www.vatstats.net/flights/6904719 [22:14] - Boeing 737-924 United Airlines (Merger) Winglets*[22:14] - Flight UAL142B is ready to depart YMML with a final destination of YSSY.*[22:14] - Parking Brake Applied*[22:14] - Boarding*[22:15] - Navigation Lights ON 7AGL*[22:15] - Logo Lights ON 7AGL*[22:15] - Wing Lights ON 7AGL*[22:15] - Parking Brake Released*[22:15] - Pushing Back from the gate*[22:15] - Beacon Light ON 7AGL*[22:17] - Taxi Lights ON 7AGL*[22:17] - Flaps to position 1*[22:18] - Flaps to position 2*[22:18] - Flaps to position 3*[22:18] - Taxiing to Runway*[22:20] - Taxi Lights OFF 7AGL*[22:20] - Landing Lights ON 7AGL*[22:21] - Taking Off with 158 passengers on board*[22:21] - Take off at 167kts, with a pitch of 6deg and 14541lbs of fuel on board*[22:21] - Wind Heading 170 | Wind Speed 11kts | Temperature 22 deg C*[22:21] - Gear up at 345AGL*[22:22] - Climbing to TOC*[22:22] - Flaps to position 2 at 3894ft and 202kts*[22:23] - Flaps to position 1 at 4370ft and 242kts*[22:23] - Flaps to position 0 at 4711ft and 250kts*[22:24] - Landing Lights OFF 9403AGL*[22:41] - TOC reached*[22:41] - Cruise started*[22:58] - TOD reached*[22:58] - Descending to destination*[23:10] - Landing Shortly*[23:12] - Landing Lights ON 1903AGL*[23:12] - Flaps to position 1 at 1926ft and 199kts*[23:13] - Flaps to position 2 at 1949ft and 190kts*[23:13] - Flaps to position 3 at 1978ft and 183kts*[23:14] - Flaps to position 4 at 1834ft and 173kts*[23:14] - Flaps to position 5 at 1814ft and 172kts*[23:14] - Gear down at 1640AGL*[23:15] - Flaps to position 6 at 1716ft and 159kts*[23:15] - Flaps to position 7 at 1526ft and 155kts*[23:16] - Flaps to position 8 at 1138ft and 145kts*[23:17] - Landed at -154fpm. With 8395lbs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of -1deg.*[23:17] - Wind Heading 176 | Wind Speed 0kts | Temperature 15 deg C*[23:17] - Taxiing to Gate*[23:18] - Landing Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:18] - Taxi Lights ON 6AGL*[23:18] - Flaps to position 7*[23:18] - Flaps to position 6*[23:18] - Flaps to position 5*[23:19] - Flaps to position 4*[23:19] - Flaps to position 3*[23:19] - Flaps to position 2*[23:19] - Flaps to position 1*[23:19] - Flaps to position 0*[23:22] - Parking Brake Applied*[23:22] - Arrived safely at YSSY. We hope you enjoyed your flight!*[23:23] - Parking Brake Released*[23:23] - Taxiing to Gate*[23:23] - Parking Brake Applied*[23:23] - Arrived safely at YSSY. We hope you enjoyed your flight!*[23:23] - Taxi Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:23] - Navigation Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:23] - Logo Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:23] - Beacon Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:23] - Wing Lights OFF 6AGL*[23:24] - Boeing 737-924 United Airlines (Merger) Winglets*[23:24] - MaxSim Rate: 1x*[23:24] - ver*