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FlightByWire A320 Brake and vUAL ACARs

Posted: September 5th, 2022, 11:57 am
by UAL775 Sergio Montani

I have the FBW 320 flying with vUAL ACARs but when I apply the brakes to initiate the ACARs I receive the information that the brakes is not applied and I can not start the vUAL ACARs.

If you have/had the same problem how can I fixe it?

Thank you!


Re: FlightByWire A320 Brake and vUAL ACARs

Posted: October 3rd, 2022, 9:26 pm
by UAL115 Brian Plumb
I haven't tried the original ACARs in quite some time. I switched to SmartACARS + FSUIPIC7 and don't seem to have any issues.